Reduced Liver Cancer Risk: Researchers at USC Norris
Comprehensive Cancer Center found that those that consume 1-3 cups of coffee a
day have a 29% reduced risk of developing liver cancer hepatocellular carcinoma
(HCC), which is the most common type.
Less Gout Risk: Yet another reason: Risk for developing gout (in
men) decreases with increasing coffee consumption.
Greek boiled coffee linked to longevity and heart health. Another study published
in the June 17, 2008, issue of the Annals
of internal Medicine showed that women who consume coffee had a lower risk
of death from cancer, heart disease, and other factors, which therefore
promotes a longer lifespan. Yet another study published in the New England
Journal of Medicine showed that coffee drinkers were at less risk of dying
prematurely from diseases like diabetes, heart disease and forms of cancer.
Another study from Japan found that men who drink at least 3 cups of coffee per
day have a 24% less risk of dying early from disease. Yet another study from
Harvard also confirmed that those who drink 1-5 cups of coffee a day avoid
diseases linked to premature death. A Japanese-based study also found similar
results when it comes to coffee and longevity. Those that drink coffee
live longer than those who don’t.
Prevents Retinal Damage: A Cornell University Study
showed that coffee may prevent retinal damage due to oxidative stress. Caffeine
isn’t the culprit here, but chlorogenic acid (CLA), which is one of the
strong antioxidants found in the coffee bean.
Black coffee prevents cavities: Researchers out of Brazil found
that strong black coffee kills the bacteria on teeth that lead to tooth decay.
Adding milk or sugar to coffee negates this benefit.
Coffee may protect against periodontal disease: As part of the US Department of
Veterans Affairs Dental Longitudinal Study coffee consumption and dental health
among 1,152 men was tracked from 1968-1998. The researchers found that coffee
didn’t promote gum disease and actually showed a protective benefit.
Coffee may protect against melanoma: A study published in the
Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that melanoma risk decreases
with coffee consumption and that this risk decreases with each cup consumed.
The USDA’s new 2015 dietary
guidelines recommend it for better health: They advise people that having 3 to 5 cups of
coffee a day is good for their overall health and reduces the risk of disease.
However, they report that adding sugar, cream, or flavored creamers quickly
negates the potential benefits.
Reduced heart attack mortality risk: Researchers found that those
who drink two or more cups of coffee daily after having a heart attack have the
least risk of dying from the heart attack.
people get along with co-workers better:
A study also show that Coffee consumption also enhanced participation in
workplace group activities.